Hi there,
So do you see it is loaded and the camera web server works stand-ALONE. Step one!
When connected to the SCweb site it does NOT work , but does connect with the S3 (no preview)
The Grove AI v2 just works by itself.
The SSCMA version doesn’t preview. BSP 2.0.17, - 3.0.3
Sure that code compiles with no issue’s uploads and appears to run, no preview.
you do get the small web page , with only 3 resolutions.
I find the whole thing a mess… 2 web sites , 2 camera web servers, the XiaoESP32S3 Sense just screws the whole thing up. Does NOT work like the Grove AI V2, apples and oranges.
bottom line it doesn’t work and plugging in the S3 to the V2 without the camera is not going to do anything? web server or not. Stick with the V2 IMO.