I know this is an old thread now, but I did get I2S working on the Seeeduino XIAO. I manually edited the variant.h file for the hardware profile in Arduino and changed…
// I2S Interfaces
// --------------
// I2S Interfaces
// --------------
#define I2S_DEVICE 0
#define PIN_I2S_SD (PIN_A8)
#define PIN_I2S_SCK (2u)
#define PIN_I2S_FS (3u)
I used the schematics for the XIAO and the SAMD21 Datasheet to confirm the pins, but ultimately just copied this from the variant.h file in the Arduino MKR Zero profile which also uses the SAMD21. From there I quickly wired up a cheap little UDA1334A I2S DAC audio decoder board and programmed my XIAO with the Adafruit Zero I2S Library’s tone generator example and it happily started playing the sine. sawtooth, triangle, and square waves through my speakers.
I know it may be a little late for the original poster, but in case anyone else encounters this question, it is definitely doable!