For those interested, here is a solution using Circuitpython. The only required library not included in the distribution is the debounce library. Works reasonably well. To get this to work with Ardupy, I had to put in the exact pin numbers which was a real pain–it was for this reason that after coding up the 2nd button I bailed on that approach. Until regular updates occur with Ardupy, I’m gonna work with Circuitpython. However, I’d love to have true interrupts with the micropython support.
Finally, I know the code could be cleaner…
Using Circuitpython 6.0
import time
import board
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull
from adafruit_debouncer import Debouncer
led = DigitalInOut(board.D13)
led.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
def setupWioButton(pinRef):
pin = DigitalInOut(pinRef)
pin.direction = Direction.INPUT
pin.pull = Pull.UP
button = Debouncer(pin)
return button
buttonNames = ['A', 'B', 'C']
buttonList = [board.BUTTON_3, board.BUTTON_2, board.BUTTON_1]
buttonDict = {}
for i,b in enumerate(buttonNames):
buttonDict[b] = setupWioButton(buttonList[i])
joyNames = ['DOWN', 'LEFT', 'PRESS', 'RIGHT', 'UP']
joyList = [board.SWITCH_DOWN,
joyDict = {}
for i,j in enumerate(joyNames):
joyDict[j] = setupWioButton(joyList[i])
while True:
for i,b in enumerate(buttonNames):
curSwitch = buttonDict[b]
if curSwitch.fell:
print("Button %s Pressed"%b)
led.value = True
# print("LED ON")
if curSwitch.rose:
print("Button %s Released"%b)
led.value = False
# print("LED OFF")
for i,j in enumerate(joyNames):
curSwitch = joyDict[j]
if curSwitch.fell:
print("Joystick %s"%j)