Grove GPS: Air530Z documentation


I recently acquired a Grove GPS with a chip that says AIR530Z on the sticker.
The documentation for the AIR530 does not seem to apply and the commands don’t seem to work.

The only documentation i found on the AIR530Z is this:

But it’s quite limited.

Does anyone have more information about this chip?
In particular I’m interested in how to enable the sleep modes.


Hi,can you tell me the SKU of the product or the purchase link? I found out that the official website currently only sells two products, STM28 and Air530, and I haven’t seen Air530Z products.

I purchased it here
Kiwi electronics is a local distributor for seeed studio parts:

Indeed, none of the sites mention an air530z chip but the sticker on the chip does. The chip also seems to respond only to air530z commands and not to air530 commands.

Hello, I found it for you. This product used Air530 chip before, but because the supplier discontinued production, it changed to Air530z later. The relevant information we can provide is as follows: (464.7 KB)
As far as I know, this product is very demanding on the environment. You need to go to a very open place to detect the signal, such as the roof. You can also judge whether it is related to the location of the test.

Thanks for the documentation.

I’m not unhappy with the location signal, seems to be reasonably reliable.