New rainbowduino, where to start?

So I got it during the sale. Brand new 328 rainbowduino, marked “2.0” on the silkscreen.

  1. How do I find the source code to the firmware to start playing with it? I’ve seen about 1500 different links (some to rar files, some to google code, etc) and even the google code site is a bit of a mess. There’s no way to tell what I’ve currently got loaded.

  2. OOTB what is the I2C address of a rainbowduino? Do I need to do a complete reflash just to set that?

  3. Does anyone have an I2C “drawing” firmware yet? EG set pixel/set row/set column/draw line/etc commands? All I found in the default doco is display alphanumeric, complete color, or saved image (how do I set some saved images???), which is neat but not useful to me (useful to others I’m sure).

Shipping speed was amazing, and they’re really well built!

First make sure an UsbART adapter,with a UsbART adapter you can start to program the rainbowduino.
I suggest that you download mxtController program to control a 8x8 RGB Matrix with Rainbowduino.
This is the video

Follow what our engineer Icing has said:

  1. Download the and here:

  2. Connect your rainbowduino in proper way to your computer that you can program it throgh COM.(Remember to change the port to use COM1)

  3. Unzip to your arduino code directory (no need in the arduino library), open Rainbow_mtX.pde by arduino and program it to your rainbowduino.(If it compiles failed, there may be another rainbowduino class in your arduino library, so back up and remove it).
    After programmed, the rainbow Matrix will be all in white.

4.Unzip and run mtXcontrol.exe.
If ther’s error reported, like “not found javaw.exe”, then you need to add the java path to your environment variable(On my computer is: D:\Program Files\arduino-0018\java\bin ). Am I understood?
If there’s no error reported, just enjoy controlling your rainbow!

Here is the source link

Thanks for the reply.

I’ve worked with arudino quite a bit, and am familiar with the general programming of them.

I’m intersted in controlling the rainbowduinos (i have two currently) as “slaves” over I2C from an arduino, not from a computer. Will the MTX firmware allow for this? I thought it was just for computer control over serial control?

Hi bbqninja,

You can get the code from

Unzip it into your Arduino library, download sketch Rainbow_CMD_V2_0 to your rainbowduino, download sketch SeeedMaster to your Arduino. Connect them through I2C(SCL SDA GND), if success you will find the led matrix displaying characters.(remember to power the rainbowduino with extra supply(6.5v or more)).

May this helpful to you, and feel free to ask any question,



This is excellent help. I was having trouble figuring about what in the source control was the “latest” or not. :slight_smile:

Three questions about the rainbowduino code:

  1. Wire.begin(4)

So I simply modify this before programming each Rainbowduino with the wire address I want them to have? I’ll do that manually for now, but may change it to be programmable via command (start at address 2, but allow a command to change address and save to eeprom).

  1. It appears there are three commands. showChar, showColor, and showPrefabnicatel. To do pixel by pixel changes, change line/row color, or allow sending an entire buffer would require a lot more code it appears. Does this code exist anywhere, or has no one done it yet apart from over serial? If so I will get coding!

  2. If I do make the changes I talked about in #1 and #2, woudl you be interested in the diffs to add to the official firmware?

Hi bbqninja, does not support the function you need(pix,line,row control). does, but it is based on serial port, instead of I2C, which I have not fully finished. :wink:

Yes, We will be very glad to hear and encourage seeed fans doing that!



This was the only set of instructions I found that got my new Rainbowduino 328 working with mtXcontrol. What was different about this? Is it an older mtXcontrol version? Was it by setting the COM port to COM 1? Was it using the PDE first? Was it using the USBart v2.2 (much easy to use)instead of my Arduino Duemilanove?

All I know is that it works now !!! Thanks to Icing.

followed every step and re-tried and still no luck

what next apart from the microwave?

Hi caskie2010,

Could you tell more about how to use the Rainbowduino, and please check every step as I described.

Good luck,


You mighty try the neorainbowduino firmare. you need one arduino and at least one rainbowduino. yes, you need to upload the firmware to both devices.

small todo list:
-get neorainbowduino (
-patch the wire library of your arduino package
-wire them up (serial and i2c)
-upload firmware to rainbowduino(s)
-disconnect the serial connection between rainbowduino and arduino
-upload firmware to arduino
-install processing library
-play with a provided sample source

form more information check … g-library/

Need help as nothing seems to be working!

First make sure an UsbART adapter,with a UsbART adapter you can start to program the rainbowduino.
I suggest that you download mxtController program to control a 8x8 RGB Matrix with Rainbowduino.
This is the video

Follow what our engineer Icing has said:

  1. Download the and here:

Did this fine.

  1. Connect your rainbowduino in proper way to your computer that you can program it throgh COM.(Remember to change the port to use COM1)

Have no idea how to change COM ports. I’m limited to COM ports 8 (Rainbowduino) & 6 (Arduino) Help…

  1. Unzip to your arduino code directory (no need in the arduino library), open Rainbow_mtX.pde by arduino and program it to your rainbowduino.(If it compiles failed, there may be another rainbowduino class in your arduino library, so back up and remove it).
    After programmed, the rainbow Matrix will be all in white.

Can’t locate this file anywhere! Searched all over the NET. Help…

4.Unzip and run mtXcontrol.exe.
If ther’s error reported, like “not found javaw.exe”, then you need to add the java path to your environment variable(On my computer is: D:\Program Files\arduino-0018\java\bin ). Am I understood?
If there’s no error reported, just enjoy controlling your rainbow!

mtXcontrol loads up just fine but doesn’t see my rainbowduino attached via USB/uartSBEE

Here is the source link