Dear comunity,

I have tried to use the GPS-Module from the LinkIt ONE.
I noticed that the TTFF is very high.(over 30 minutes)

After research I read that the Firmware of the LinkIt ONE uses A-GPS and downloads a file called “epo dat”.
Im able to download this file via WLAN but for my project it has to be done via GPRS.
However it doesnt downlaod the file via GPRS. I used an example code from the LinkIT ONE wich copys the html code from the mediatek-site and writes it down in the serial monitor. This tells me that the GPRS is working. For our project it is important that it downloads the files via GPRS.

I have allready posted my problem in the mediatek forum but they couldnt help me. Refer the following link for more information. Sorry but you have to remove the commas since im a new user.


Yours truly
Philipp Trampitsch

Sorry for the delay reply, are you till working on this issue?