[GitHub] C++ Direction of Arrival and LED control library for ReSpeaker 4mics_hat

Because C++ is my language of choice and I did not find any other non-Python project doing this, I set out to get the LED-Ring with Direction of Arrival (DoA) on the 4mics_hat to work using C++ and without needing any big additional dependencies or libraries. I put the result on GitHub (https://github.com/lowtraxx/respeaker_doa_detection) for anyone that’s interested.

With the provided sample you can use snowboy to listen for the hotword ‘jarvis’ and light up the LED-Ring on the computed direction. It is using barebones alsa for the audio recording, so no big dependencies are needed (except the ones for snowboy). The class to light up the LED ring is my LED control library from https://github.com/lowtraxx/respeaker_doa_detection which also has no dependencies except the kernel headers.

I only have a RaspPi 3 B+ and the ReSpeaker 4mic_hat so I could not test on different configurations, but modifying it to work with others should be possible. This is my first foray into the world of RasPi development, so there may be a few rough edges. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. If you have something to add or fix, I always welcome push requests.