Repeaker 2mic Pi Hat AEC Problems python3

Hello All.

I need help trying to build a voip or cloud dorbell app with Raspberry Pi3B and Respeaker 2Mic Pi-Hat.

I built an application that send compressed data of live recorded sound from microphone over wifi, from Pi to Phone and vice versa.

I encountered echo while testing and went research. I’ve been researching on the matter for 5 months but still can’t find a solution.

Thus I decided to ask for help.

I’ve tried using the EC Voice Engine made by voicen for AEC and used speexdsp but this still causes echo or noice.

I tried doing live recording with both EC Voice Engine and speexdsp.

EC Voice Engine is software given by voicen, which this site points out to use for AEC, but I just can’t get it right.

Speexdsp is a python library.

Tried this code in terminal on Pi, each line on a new terminal and I tried to run all at the same time to hear live sound, but I get an echo.
</s><i> </i>./ec -i plughw:1 -o plughw:1 -d 100 arecord -f cd -r 16000 i.raw aplay-f cd -r 16000 i.raw <e>

This is a class from my project to cancel out echo, but get noice or echo.
import wave
import sys
from speexdsp import EchoCanceller
import Thread
import pyaudio
import time
import Shell
import Thread

class AudioStream:
def init(self, Rate, frame_size, buf):
self.rate = Rate
self.frame_size = frame_size
self.buf = buf

    self.kill = False = Shell.Shell("/home/pi/ec/ec -i plughw:1 -o plughw:1 -d 200 -s")
    #self.out = open("/tmp/ec.output", "rb")
    self.p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    self.writeS =,
                output=True,frames_per_buffer=buf )
    self.readS =,
                rate=self.rate,input=True,frames_per_buffer=buf )

    self.echo_canceller = EchoCanceller.create(frame_size, buf, self.rate)
    self.writeBytes = b''
    self.rec = b''

    thread = Thread.Thread(2, "Audio Thread", self.audioSync)
    self.playing = False

def write(self, data):
    self.writeBytes = data
    self.playing = True
    self.writeS.write(data, self.buf)
    self.playing = False

def read_audio(self):
    return, exception_on_overflow=False)

def audioSync(self):
    while not self.kill:
        while self.playing:
        #self.rec = self.read_audio()
        self.rec = self.echo_canceller.process(self.read_audio(), self.writeBytes)

def aec(self):
    return self.rec

audioStream = AudioStream(44100, 256, 1024*2)
while True:


Thanks for taking the time to read, it’s very much appreciated.

Thank you to those who have answered and read.