Connect 2 Grove Haptic Motors on 1 Seeeduino Lotus


I have a problem. I would like to control 2 Grove - Haptic Motors on 1 Seeeduino Lotus. However, the Grove Haptic Motors have the same I2C address (0x5A) so they vibrate at the same time while I want to be able to have them vibrate one after the other. How can I change the address of one of the motors?

I’m very new to all this stuff but I have a project in which I need to be able to construct a vibrating sequence (first one motor vibrates, then the other).

Thank you for your help!


Hi, peldiussebastian.

It’ very strange that the DRV2605L has a fixed I2C address and there’s no way to modify it. The only solution would be using an I2C address multiplexer.