LiPo rider Pro + ideas

Hi all
Recently buy 2 kits LR pro with double solar cells 3+3 Wats
The circuit has 4 leds to test the charge amount. The idea is to includes a LCD display were you can see the amount of energy from solar cells and amount of energy of battery.All with precision. Even the possibily to calculate the time to completely charged
is this possible?

regards everybody!

good ideas!!
there are some problem need to be solved~ different battery has different power curve, so it 's very hard to calculate the power level or time to completely charged, unless use a certain battey.
Actually, we did had a try, but didn’t get a good result so far :cry:

Hi there,

I have been working with the Lipo Rider Pro extensively for the last few months. I’ve ordered have a dozen and my team and I have actually taken apart the components and upgraded half of them with extra ports and additional functionality. In my opinion there four green LEDs are a solid way to show the charge and an LCD would be a bit much. The only suggestion I could add here would be to move the LCDs to the side of the board beside the push button. This way if one puts a casing or panel on top of the circuit, you can still view the LEDs. Also you could have the red charge LED go blank when the battery has been fully charged and a single green LED stay lit.

But those are simple things. We have a major open source solar project brewing here and I hope to post more on this shortly in the forum.

Oh by the way, I can’t seem to open the LiPo Rider schematic that is posted here in the WIKI:

I am trying to open the .brd file in the Allegro viewer, but no luck, it says something about “The database is corrupted, this file may have been copied in a different ASCI mode.”

Can you someone upload a fresh version perhaps?

hey, this is the pdf file of schematic,you can download it.
lipo rider.rar (74 KB)

The circuit has 4 leds to test the charge amount. The idea is to includes a LCD display were you can see the amount of energy from solar cells and amount of energy of battery.All with precision. Even the possibily to calculate the time to completely charged